The first time we did this Elsie was out of town. I had to help Elliot get started several times, and he almost didn't make it around the whole park (About 1 mile total). Well, he's improved. Tonight, (after a soda and two pieces of extremely greasy pepperoni pizza) we again went to the park. The kid is a rocket. His tires MIGHT be 10 inches in diameter. But by the 3/4 mile mark, I was yelling, about 20 yards behind him, as I ran as FAST as I could while pushing Elsie, STOP! STOP!
He was in no danger of getting hit or lost. I just seriously could not keep up with him. I was feeling pain and an inability to BREATHE. Thankfully, I bought a bike today. And we bought a bike trailer last weekend. Gotta love Craigslist. I need the bike to keep up with Elliot.
what a great way to excersize together, now you need to buy a seat for Elsie so she can go to. hes growing so fast whats with the glasses does he wear them?
Didn't take him long to figure the bike thing out! Glasses are cute - hope that they're insured....
Something I learned from another mom: Give him a stopping point, like a bush, or a corner of the track, or something. He can ride to the stopping point, and then he has to wait for you. When you reach the stopping point, give him another one. It works well for us riding through the neighborhood!
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