11 September 2014

Um, what?

Last night Michael was building a small fire in the back yard fire pit for the kids to roast marshmallows.  He was having trouble getting it started, so he stepped into the fire pit to work on it at one point.  The kids came out of the house and saw him INSIDE the circle and FREAKED out. "Papa! Get out! We love you! You'll burn! Get out now!"  And then, with increasing terror, "Papa! Please! You have to get out!" And then came Elliot's comment, "Papa, you're not everything we hoped for in a papa, but we have a good bond, and we don't want to waste it. Please get out!"  Oh, the honesty of a 9 year old.

SuperHero fun run for Everett

Elliot finished 2nd - and had a great time doing it.