25 May 2011

Ezra talks

Click here to see Ezra talk.


So last fall, I think it was, Michael lost about 30 pounds. He would weigh himself on our Wii. For any of you who have the Wii Fit, you know that once it weighs you, it tells you what category you fall into - normal, overweight, obese, etc. So yesterday during dinner for some reason we were talking about weight, and Elliot asked Michael,
E: Papa, what was your number when you were the Beast?
M: The Beast?
E: Yeah, what was your number?
Me: When was Papa the Beast?
E: Before, when we had the Wii, and papa was the Beast?
Seconds pass, puzzled looks on our faces...
Then I cracked up.
Me: You mean, when papa was obese?
E: Oh, I thought he was the Beast.

Randomly, the other morning Elliot looked at the clock after breakfast and said this,
"8:15! Well I better spank my bottom!"

23 May 2011

Savannah Celtic Spring Season 2011 ends in victory

Elliot's little team, the Nedderlands, played their best game Saturday. It was fitting that it was their last game. They beat the opposing team, the Gryphons, coached by a good friend of ours, 7-0. Elliot, in a rare moment of offense when he felt comfortable enough to leave the goal unattended, scored the last goal of the game and the season. Overall, it was lots of fun.

16 May 2011


Elliot, after playing Chicken Blaster for 20 minutes: We hurt a lot of chickens, papa!
After reduce, reuse, recycle week at school: Mama, we should make less trash because we're filling up our landfills!
Elsie, while playing the part of Dr. Bug: Mama, you are hot! Your number is 5. And you have monkeys in your ears. I think you need a shot.
Michael, referring to Stripes, our cat: Have you fed that thing today?

14 May 2011

Big Papa and Ezra

Big Papa and Ezra had some hang out time watching race cars.

Big Bug

The Sidewalk Arts Festival was a couple of weekends ago in Savannah. SCAD students draw with chalk on the sidewalks all around Forsyth Park. It's a great event, with lots of food, music, and things for kids to do. Here is Bug enjoying a big blow up slide. And here is the RUF square!

13 May 2011

Eating wears Ezra out.

And me, too, honestly. Our pediatrician is dead set on Ezra eating fruits and vegetables along with rice cereal. Ezra is not so hip on it. He fell asleep after this bout with solid food. I'm giving it a rest for another couple of weeks. We'll see how he does after that.

07 May 2011

Spring Concert

So last fall in anticipation of hopefully receiving a baby, I quit my job as a bookkeeper for a small private school in downtown Savannah. In a terrified and clueless state, I wondered if I could make enough money teaching a few piano lessons to send Elsie to her school two days per week so that she could continue with the friends and teachers she loves.
God gave me these 5 students whom I have truly enjoyed. They started last November, and just tonight gave their first concert. We had everything from Yankee Doodle to Beethoven, and it really was wonderful. I am so thankful for what I get to do with them, for getting to watch them learn and grow, for seeing the light turn on when they get it. They played well tonight and made me proud.

05 May 2011


So Ezra has been trying on some new things lately. Here you see him trying some peas. He's obviously not sure what he thinks of them, though his chewing skills are definitely improving since we started rice cereal a few weeks ago. He has also been trying on his new sheriff costume thanks to Yaya. He looks pretty tough. I think we have passed through the hard part of Ezra's babyhood. Though he still spits up a lot, he seems much happier and smiles a LOT. He has slept through the night 3 out of the last 5 nights, and only really cries when he's hungry or really, really tired. We're just enjoying him. He has starting talking a bit, which is probably the cutest thing ever. He makes all kinds of sweet baby sounds mixed in with great dimples and periodic smiles. I'm getting less and less work done when the other two are gone because I just sit on the couch and talk to the baby!