29 March 2009


So we've been figuring out life in our new house. There is no bathtub, so Yaya bought Bug this ladybug tub. Needless to say, she likes it. Bug's also been trying out Elliot's boots. She generally likes anyone's shoes. They both enjoyed eggs this morning, though they're actually egg beaters. And Michael's been experimenting with Bug's hair. It's finally long enough for pigtails, which he loves. 

25 March 2009

The dress fits now

My mom bought this dress for Bug last summer. We thought she might not wear it until Kindergarten, it looked so big. Here she is already wearing it - AHHHHH! Slow down, Bug! 

18 March 2009

No longer Lincoln

Hey everybody. We were unplugged from the world for a few days there. But the friendly Comcast man came today and connected us to the world again. I thought it'd be fun to show you a few pictures of our new house. If you've been here, you'll recognize all the furniture and pictures. One of our RUF students painted Emily above Elliot's bed. She's still working on Thomas. Isn't Emily beautiful?

Elliot and Elsie are now sharing a room, and enjoying a playroom. I'm not sure how much they're sleeping, but they like the playroom a lot. This morning Michael taught Elliot to play hide and seek. He turned his hamper over and got in. 

I'm glad to be done moving. Our street is quiet and so is our house. The shower is huge and I have 3 times the counter space I did in the apartment. I may even bake something! 

03 March 2009

Long day

I've had a long day. Leave me with my push up pop in peace...

01 March 2009

Funny things happen

Funny things happen when you're packing and getting ready to move. You find things - like this wig. And you can't find other things. This morning I couldn't find a spatula or cooking spray. So I cooked Eggbeaters in real butter using a spoon for the kids. Then I sat at the table that is about 20 inches high because I already sold the kitchen breakfast table that we won't need at the new house. 
Sadly, this is indicative of a lot of my life - I'm just not a great planner. I can cover it up well most of the time. Until a major event like moving happens. Then it's just out in the open for everyone to see! So if you hear from/see me in the next month or so, I may be naked, have lost a phone, have lost a child, or have lost many shoes. Never fear - they're all usually recovered soon after!