12 August 2009

Big brothers

So on the way home from a faculty dinner tonight (Michael is now teaching logic at the school where I do the bookkeeping - weird) we were singing 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'. Elliot thought it would be a funny variation to sing, 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Penis' which of course Bug picked up as 'Peanut'. She then sang all the way home, 'peanut peanut peanut peanut' pointing to, of course, her crotch. Nice.


Andi said...

The other day, out of the blue, Jack said, "Mama! Why does Annie not have any boobs??"

Penis & boobs. Gotta laugh.

Michael Gordon said...

i'm only teaching 2 hours a week for those who fear chris has drop a job change bomb

Pete, Ashley, and Nathan Watson said...

That is sooo great. We hope to raise classy kids, too. :)