28 October 2008
More Quotes
While eating chick peas for dinner
Papa: Elliot would you like some more of these?
E: Yea! Chicken Peas
Quotes of the week
I clearly am stealing this concept from Melanie Maynor, who quotes her kids on her blog. Thanks, Mel.
Elliot: Wanna see my belly?
Me: Sure.
Elliot: You see it yet? It's a nice belly.
Me: How are you this morning, Elliot?
Elliot: I feel old.
Me: You feel old?
Elliot: Yeah. Cause I'm 3.
Elliot: (fighting over something with Bug) That's mine! They're all mine!
Me: Elliot, that's sin in your heart that makes you want to not share any of them.
Elliot: Sin in my heart?
Me: Yup.
Elliot: I want to get the sin out of my heart.
Me: Me too, buddy.
26 October 2008
15 October 2008
12 October 2008
08 October 2008
Hands and feet
07 October 2008
04 October 2008
Here's what's been going on around here: Elliot successfully pees every time we put him on the potty, as well as wearing underwear all day at his school. However, pooping still occurs without warning, usually in the underwear.
Elsie is standing for 15 to 20 seconds at a time without holding onto anything. She likes to walk with me holding her hands. I think October may be the walking month.
I have recently quit my extremely part time transcription job and have taken on a sort of bookkeeping apprenticeship at the classical Christian school where I currently keep lunch and study hall every afternoon. So far, though I am slow to admit it because it shows my true nerdiness, I LOVE it.
We are getting to know more and more RUF students, who I find really enjoyable as people. One sweet freshman babysat for us last night so we could go to a missions conference. Michael just left for another one this morning. Hopefully the kids and I will join him there tomorrow morning.
It's fairly busy around here, but we're enjoying it. I have to say, though, that the fall is just not the same in Savannah. It's going to be 80 degrees all week, and there are no leaf colors. (!) The trees just don't change color down here. Or if they do at all, I haven't seen it yet.
Oh and one more thing. While grandma was here a few weeks ago, she at one point told Elliot that she was old. I told him I, too was old one morning when I couldn't quite get off the floor. Somehow everyone other than grandma and I has therefore become 'new'. Elliot often asks Michael, 'you new, papa?' I guess it's all relative.
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