26 February 2015

7 and 9 year old check ups

"Mama, if you show this to anyone else, I will probably never talk to you for the rest of my life," said Elliot as I took this picture.  So don't tell him you saw this.  Here are the stats:
Elliot is 53.25 inches (44th%) tall and weighs 64.8 lbs (44th%) with a BMI of 16.08.
Elsie is 49.5 inches (53rd% tall) and weighs 61.2 lbs (77th%) with a BMI of 17.65. Read: She could take him.

Other than some serious dry winter skin, everyone is healthy.  Except Dr. Pam, who may have had to take a break after these two talked her ear off, loudly, in a very small room.  As Michael said, this picture perfectly illustrates their personalities at this point.  Elsie is on stage, and Elliot does not want to be seen unless he is completely clothed, albeit in clothes he has worn for the last 3 days.

05 February 2015

Thoughtful little bugger

Last night as I was putting him to bed, and as he was playing with my hair, Ezra asked me ever so casually, "So mama, how was work today?" Sometimes he's 35.