29 January 2009


Thanks, Yaya, for the new valentine outfits! I love the hearts on Buggie's pants. Doesn't Elliot look old here? I don't like it...

28 January 2009

More quotes from Elliot

Elliot recently acquired a clock in his room. To the praise and glory of God, he actually does NOT come to get us until he sees a '7' on the clock, in the right column no less. It's a wonderful thing. However, the other night while he read in his bed I suddenly heard screams coming from his room.
Elliot: "No, no, no!"
Me: "What's wrong, buddy?"
Elliot: "Make it stop, mama"
Me: "Make what stop?"
Elliot: With a look of terror, "Make the numbers stop changing - make them stop!"
Me: "Buddy, that's how the clock works. It keeps going forward. That's a good thing."
Elliot: "Turn it off mama. I don't like to watch the numbers change."

Elliot: "Mama, I need three cookies because I'm three years old."

Naked, after getting out of the bathtub,
Elliot: "I shake my bootie, I shake my bootie!"
It is actually the cutest bootie I've ever seen.

24 January 2009

For Aunt Joan

I don't know if you're reading this, Joan. But look at Bug in her outfit that you bought ages ago. It's one of my favorites. Who knew she's be 18 months before she could wear a 12 month outfit? Thanks again!

16 January 2009

As big as his head

We found a great little restaurant last weekend with real, old school southern food. It was more than good. I had some kind of tomato pie that should be illegal. Elliot was eye level with the cakes in the display case, which he visited several times during our meal, making sure we all understood which piece he wanted. This was the one. He ate at least a third of it. We helped.

13 January 2009

Golden Isles

Part of Michael's job includes preaching at other churches when pastors are on vacation, between pastors, etc. Last weekend we went to Golden Isles Presbyterian Church. They happen to have a condo where visiting preachers stay. We went on Saturday and made it a (very) mini-vacation. The kids had a GREAT time. Elliot cheered a fisherman on when he caught a fish, played at the playground and had the biggest piece of cake he's ever seen (picture soon to come). Buggy met a new dog friend and waved at everyone who might have maybe sort of looked her way. Michael found a rockin' thrift store and I got a new silver chain. Not bad for a weekend.

08 January 2009

Elsie and the violin

The kids got some great Christmas present this year. Click here to see Elsie with Elliot's violin. We think she's the musical one.

05 January 2009

Happy New Year

This is Elliot's Happy New Year mask. Hope everyone is doing well out there. Christmas present demonstrations will be posted soon...